Kupla Spring Fling Burlesque & Drag
On Friday, April 19th, the third evening of the super-popular Burlesque Club organized by Mindy Mad Magnolia will be held at Kupla, Tapiola!
In this spring-themed evening’s diverse program, you’ll see 11 humorous Burlesque and Drag performances, numbers that combine dance and burlesque, and live singing.
The event has an age restriction of 18 years. There is a bar at Kupla where you can purchase both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. All payments are by card only.
Atomic Alice (@atomicalice_)
Josephine Flux (@josephineflux)
Liz De Licious (@liz-de-licious)
Group Marabous (@group_marabous)
Freddie Fon Due (drag) (@thefreddiefondue)
Soile Äääs Öderberg
Mindy M Magnolia (@mindymadmagnolia)
Lorelei & Dorothy
Birds Of Slay